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Jinong E series compact loaders export to large Russian farms

2017.06.22 1653 Font size A- A A+

Recently, a batch of Jinong JGM636E loaders will be delivered to Russia, a large agricultural country.

JINGONG JGM636E loaders to be delivered to Russia

JGM636E is a star product of Jinong E series compact loader. Ever since its launch, it has won the recognition of many customers for its fast speed, high efficiency, good maneuverability and convenient operation. According to the specific needs of the Russian customer who owns a large farm, all JGM636E will be replaced with a customized 1.6 large grain bucket.

This is the first time that Jinong E-series compact loaders have been exported to Russia in a large batch since they were launched in 2017. Russia is a vast agricultural country. The Russian government has been vigorously promoting the agricultural mechanization strategy in recent years. Recognized by customers in the high-cold area, it further verified the stability and reliability of JINGONG products.

JINGONG E series compact loader features high work efficiency, good maneuverability and convenient operation, and it is widely used in various industries including highway, agriculture, forestry, railway, hydropower, building, port, mining, etc..