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Successful research and development of "stone clip" JINGONG machinery and add "new sharp weapon"

2015.12.10 1394 Font size A- A A+

Recently, in view of the current situation of high cost, low efficiency and poor safety of manual handling of stone strips in stone yards, Jingong Machinery Technology Center has successfully developed a new wheel excavator tool "strip and stone clip", which is assembled on JGM907L wheel excavator. At present, this product has entered the stone yards of Fujian, Guangxi, Hubei and other places for service.

The person in charge of Jingong Machinery Technology Center told reporters that they had organized service engineers to go to customer sites to maintain JGM907L equipped with a stone clip, and to understand the use of the equipment in detail.

"From field managers and pilots, we know that the efficiency has been greatly improved, the cost has been reduced, and the safety of manual operation is much higher than before. In addition, the clamping force of conditioning can clamp two stones at a time without falling off, and at the same time, it can solve the problem that other equipment is easy to damage the stones. At present, the equipment is running well and the customers are very satisfied. The person in charge said.